2024 is the year of US presidential election and social media is already buzzing with political chatter. A report by Sprout Social Listening reveals the discussions about elections have reached to about 7.6 million conversations on various social platforms and has generated more than 45 million engagements as well as 103 billion impressions between January and March 2024.
Don’t think that all the conversations are positive. Less than 50% of the conversations indicate the challenges that brands face in navigating the politically charged atmosphere on social media.
Consumer expectations of brands have evolved in recent years. Social media activism once demanded that brands should take a stand on social and political issues. The Sprout Social Index adds that only a quarter of the consumers believe brands must align with their values to be memorable.
Amidst the uncertainty, some brands are choosing the path of silence on political issues and this is just to avoid alienating their audience or attracting backlash. However, nonprofits and political associations are engaging more in the conversations. They cannot avoid. Under such circumstances, a strategic approach is required to maintain brand integrity as well as achieving goals on social media.
The use of influencers provides a potential workaround for brands who are seeking to communicate their values without getting engaged in politics. By partnering with influencers whose views align with their target audience, brands can simply convey their messages authentically with minimized risks.
It is suggested that businesses must prioritize monitoring the health of their brands during an election year. Social listening tools enable them to gauge sentiment, identify potential crises as well as make informed decisions to protect their brand image.