At the India Digital Summit, top marketers met to talk about a growing trend: Connected TV (CTV) and how it is changing marketing. Gulshan Verma, Prabhvir Sahmey, Dhruv Dhawan, and Rahul Ralhan led the discussion, talking about how CTV could change advertising.
As the panel discussion began, it was clear that CTV was not just a passing trend but a big deal that could change how marketing works. Dhruv Dhawan talked about his brand’s plan to understand customers better using CTV. His words echoed a sentiment shared by many – the need to adapt, evolve and innovate in sync with shifting consumer preferences.
Prabhvir Sahmey, drawing parallels between past and present, reflected on the evolutionary journey of digital advertising. He highlighted how ads are becoming more interactive. The audience nodded in agreement, acknowledging that Rome was not built in a day and the adoption of new paradigms takes time.
Gulshan Verma, with a twinkle of pride in his eyes, shared anecdotes of leveraging platforms like IPL to connect with millions. He talked about a world where ads are more than just ads. The audience imagined a future where ads mix with entertainment, games and interactive things seamlessly.
Rahul Ralhan stressed how important it is to plan carefully and align strategies in advertising. His advice was valuable for marketers trying to make the most impact while dealing with budget limits and changing audience needs.
As the discussion drew to a close, the question lingered in the air – is CTV the ‘Orry’ of digital marketing? Sahmey’s analogy sparked contemplation, highlighting the seismic shift unfolding before our eyes.
In the grand scheme of things, the future of marketing transcends digital platforms, embracing experiential realms and personalized journeys. Ralhan’s words echoed a sentiment shared by many – it’s not about digital or non-digital; it’s about delivering experiences that resonate with consumers.
As we navigate through the labyrinth of technological advancements, one thing remains clear – the evolution of connected households heralds a new era of possibilities.